Missouri Physicians to Rally in Support of Tort Reform

The Missouri Tort Reform Coalition, made up of physicians and other groups concerned about healthcare availability, is urging physicians to join them at the state capitol in lobbying Senators and Representatives in support of House Bill 112.  The bill would reinstate reasonable caps on non-economic damages in medical malpractice suits.  The Coalition believes that when lawmakers see that doctors are united in support of the bill it will have a better chance of passing.  The Tort Reform Rally is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30th, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Physicians and others interested should meet at 10:00 a.m. in the 3rd floor rotunda at the capitol building.

View a brief video describing the urgnency of the pending crisis in Missouri here. 

To learn more about the Coalition and its efforts, visit the website here.  The website has helpful information about the organization and how to get more involved.  It includes a page that will identify an individual’s Senator based on home address so physicians can contact them by phone or letter.

The Keane Group is supportive of tort reform in Missouri because it will have a stabilizing affect on our state’s healthcare system.  After the limitations were put in place in 2005, we saw more medical malpractice insurance companies willing to offer coverage in Missouri.  Physicians in some specialties, such as OB/GYN and Neurosurgery, that were leaving Missouri for other states or closing practices altogether, were able to practice with reasonable, affordable insurance rates.  More physicians practicing means better access to quality care for the citizens of Missouri.