TDC has Resources for Physicians

Did you know that The Doctors Company (TDC) has a wealth of information for physicians and practice managers on its website?  The most recent addition is a new video, “Physician Leadership Elelments Transcend All Environments.”  In fact, there is a series of over 30 brief videos on topics such as Leadership, Communication, Medical Malpractice Claims, Risk Management, and more.  Subscribe to TDC’s YouTube channel here.

The Doctors Company was founded by a group of doctors in 1976 and is the largest medical malpractice insurance company in the nation.  TDC insures 73,000 physicians and is rated “A” by A.M. Best Company and Fitch Ratings.

The Keane Group is proud to work with The Doctors Company in placing medical malpractice insurance coverage for physicians all over the country.  We have access to over 30 different companies in all 50 states.